“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
– Anatole France

We are delighted to announce the birth of the Paws Healing The Earth, the first poetry anthology published by River Paw Press released on March 29th, 2021.
We sincerely thank and congratulate all poets who have made this exceptional anthology possible with their thoughtfully penned poems on animals, our fellow travelers on earth.
Seventy-six animal poems by forty-four poets woven into one thread allow us to discover our collective consciousness in pure brilliance.
“O kitty, If the doors
Of perception were cleansed
All things would appear as they are,
Infinite. Come in, darling, drowse
Comfortably near my feet, I will click
The barrier closed again behind you…” ~ Robert Pinsky
(From “Door”— first published in The New Yorker on April 2, 2001, it appeared in my 2007 book Gulf Music as part of the sequence “First Things to Hand.”)
The contributing writers, through their poetry, discover the sacredness of our natural environment and honor all animals who share the planet with us. This anthology is a modest effort to raise awareness about the environment and animal rights and celebrate all animals, domestic and wild, healing the earth with their presence.
“From his wet eyes he looks
Like a poet,
From his probing trunk a scientist,
From his forehead a thinker,
From his ears a sage…
But immersed in a sadness
Even an elephant
Looks so human” ~ Kunwar Narain
(“In Krakow Zoo,” translated from the Hindi by Apurva Narain)
Paws Healing The Earth is set for international distribution and available on major online stores to purchase on or before April 2nd, 2021. The book’s price may vary in the international market. However, the title is available to buy on a set price directly from the River Paw Press, with a special offer of standard Free Shipping internationally for a limited time.
CLICK HERE TO BUY Paws Healing The Earth to discover the beauty of the wild and the unique contributions of poems by the finest poets of our time. Let’s be inspired by their words and admire our planet a little more.
River Paw Press
March 29th, 2021